
Our global infrastructure strategy covers the full investment lifecycle with a flagship focus on secondaries, where we have a first-mover advantage and more than 13 years of specialist investment experience.

  • Global network generates strong and differentiated deal flow, with ~$30bn+ screened annually since 2015
  • Pioneer in infrastructure secondaries, completing our first investments in this dynamic segment in 2010


We invest across the infrastructure investment lifecycle, with a focus on opportunities in sectors with strong, structural growth drivers and clear downside protection.

Infrastructure Secondaries

  • Pioneer in infrastructure secondaries since 2010
  • Capabilities across both traditional LP-led secondaries and GP-initiated solutions
  • Ability to secure off-market, differentiated opportunities
Committed since 2010
Committed to GP-led deals
Committed to LP-led deals


Paul Barr

Partner, San Francisco

Evan Corley

Partner, San Francisco

Jérôme Duthu-Bengtzon

Partner, London

Andrea Echberg

Partner, London

Kathryn Leaf

Partner, CEO, San Francisco

Dinesh Ramasamy

Partner, San Francisco

Richard Sem

Partner, London

All assets under management figures as of September 30, 2024.  All committed figures and advisory board seats as of June 3o, 2024 and inclusive of deals closed and in legal closing. 


Connect with us to learn more about our specialized investment approach.

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